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- «c2»«ac»THE PARTY GUIDE«»
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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
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- «as»
- «c7»Here's a small guide for you that like to travel to various parties.
- I've selected a few parties that might be interesting to attend.«»
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- «as»
- «c7»This is the best party in Poland nowadays. There were an ok amount of
- releases at the Amiga/PC party Symphony last year, but there will probably
- be even more at the Satellite party. At the moment I'm not exactly sure
- when this party will take place, but some rumours are indicating that
- February might be the month. The only thing that is sure, is that the party
- will be worth attending. For more information check out the Appendix site.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Satellite Party: www.appendix.optimus.wroc.pl«»
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- «as»
- «c7»This is a German party which will take place in the Munich area from February 8th to 10th
- 2002.«»
- «»
- The party will have competitions on both the Amiga and the C64, and will
- also have oldskool competions on the Amiga. So this is probably a party
- with a nice atmosphere. You can get more information about this party
- elsewhere here in this PartyZone section.«»
- «»
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- «ac»«c6»MEKKA-SYMPOSIUM PARTY 2002«»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»There will be held another Mekka-Symposium party this year. As a Christmas
- gift it was announced that the party will be held from March 29th to April
- 1st in the Heidmarkhalle/Fallingbostel/Germany.«»
- «»
- This is THE party for real scene-freaks! Be there or be nowhere!
- Already now I can guarantee that some great productions will be presented
- there! For more updated and accurate information, check out the MS site.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Mekka Symposium Party: www.ms.demo.org«»
- «»
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- «ac»«c6»THE GATHERING PARTY 2002«»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»This is one of the worlds biggest computer parties, but for each year less
- and less real sceners attend and less productions get released.
- Nevertheless, this party will also be held in the Eastern at the Vikingship
- Olympic Arena in Hamar/Norway. For more updated and accurate information,
- check out the TG site which is being updated these days.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Gathering Party: www.gathering.org/tg02«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»THE UNDERSCORE PARTY 2002«»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»This party will have competitions for both the Amiga and the PC.
- It will take place from the 9th of May to the 12th of May and be held
- in G0teborg/Sweden. Get more information about this party from zeppo@sverige.nu«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»THE REMEDY PARTY 2002«»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»This party will also have competitions for the Amiga, the C64 and the PC.
- It will take place from the 27th of June to the 30th of June in Solnahallen
- in Stockholm/Sweden as usual. Read more about this party elsewhere in the
- PartyZone section.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Remedy Party: www.remedy.nu«»
- «ac»«c6»THE ASSEMBLY PARTY 2002«»
- «»
- «as»
- «c7»Recently some news concerning the next Assembly party got posted. The date
- of the party is set between the 1st of August to the 4th of August, and it
- will take place in the Hartwall-Areena, Helsinki, Finland. Who knows? We
- might get some great productions from this party this year too...«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»The Assembly Party: www.assembly.org«»
- «»
- «»
- «c7»Other parties you might want to visit, find the information when
- available at:«»
- «»
- «al»«c6»LTP Party: www.ltp.ojuice.net (France)«»
- «al»TRSAC Party: www.trsac.dk (Denmark)«»
- «al»The Scene Meeting www.irishq.dk (Denmark)«»
- «al»Spoletium Party: www.spoletium.org (Italy)«»
- «al»Kindergarden: www.kg.slengpung.com (Norway)«»
- «al»JFF Convention: www.culturescom.com (France)«»
- «al»DreamHack: www.dreamhack.org (Sweden)«»
- «al»The Party: www.theparty.dk (Denmark)«»
- «»
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- «c7»Go to the next page to bring back some memories from the Mekka-Symposium
- party.«»
- «e»